The concept of simultaneous perception was explored by Tony Hiss in The Experience of Place. Hiss describes 'simultaneous perception' as an inherited skill that keeps us linked to our surroundings. 'Whenever we summon it, it's richly informatative.' It helps us experience our surroundings and our reactions to them beyond our own thoughts and desires. It is our sixth sense. The ability to understand how we perceive places will eqip us urban and rural dwellers to fix subpar spaces and design new ones.

Prompts to Practice Simultaneous Perception:
1. Observe the street. Apply yourself, take your time, and note down anything that strikes you.

2. Detect a rhythm within what is around you, such as the passing of cars. They may arrive in groups because they were stopped at a red light further down the road.

3. Try to detect locals versus tourists. What are the distinguishing features of either?